We offer an undergraduate major and minor, along with a wide variety of courses to help you fulfill General Education and College of Arts and Sciences requirements. Graduate students can pursue a master of arts (M.A.) in Russian Literature, Slavic Linguistics, or Language and Area Studies or our master’s of arts in teaching (M.A.T.). We are the only university in Indiana to offer a doctoral degree in Slavic Languages and Literatures.
Courses that open up the world
Our department offers a full array of language, literature, culture, and linguistics courses for students interested in the study of Russian, Czech, Polish, Ukrainian, and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. Through topics courses you can explore what interests you, from film to folklore, politics to revolution, and more.
Russian Flagship Program
IU Slavic and East European Studies is home to a federally-funded Russian Flagship Program for undergraduates. This program is designed to help students reach professional-level language proficiency and meet the challenges of our more globalized world. Flagship students participate in language immersion programs and extensive study abroad.
Learn about the Russian Flagship Program Check out study abroad
Exceptional teaching + scholarly work
Our faculty comprise one of the most comprehensive concentrations of expertise in the U.S. and are engaged in a wide variety of research and outreach activities. We pride ourselves on an environment that is collaborative and conducive to making meaningful connections.
Reclaiming Our Words: A History of Arikara Language Revitalization | The Evolving Role of Academic Linguists in Language Revitalization
422 N. Indiana Ave., Bloomington, IN 47405
XXXVI György Ránki Hungarian Studies Conference and Concert: In Memoriam Béla Bartók (1881-1945)
Ford Hall & LIVE@jacobs