- Ph.D., Slavic Languages and Literatures and Linguistics, Indiana University, 2007

Miriam Shrager
Senior Lecturer, Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures
Adjunct, Linguistics
Senior Lecturer, Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures
Adjunct, Linguistics
Russian language and linguistics; historical and comparative Slavic and general linguistics; Balto-Slavic accentology; Slavic dialectology; folklore; cinema
Dissertation: “The Accentual System of Masculine Nouns in “Kriviči” Dialects”
My current research projects include:
“Tarkovsky, Fellini, and Kutz: References and Counterpoints.” Submitted together with Natalia Matskevich-Levin to the Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies in October 2021.
"Common Slavic Deverbatives and their Origin," Studies in Accentology and Slavic Linguistics in Honor of Ronald Feldstein, ed. Miriam Shrager, Edna Andrews, George Fowler, and Steven Franks. Bloomington: Slavica, 2015.
"Neutralization of word-final voicing in Russian," Journal of Slavic Linguistics (JSL), volume 20-1, Bloomington: Slavica, 2012.
"The Linguistics and Poetics of Russian Proverbs," Исследования по славянским языкам 16-1, Seoul: Korean Association of Slavists, 2011.
"Accentuation of Masculine Monosyllabic Nouns of Susak Speakers in New Jersey," Baltistica 2011, VII, 207-225, Vilnius: Vilnius University Press, 2011.
"Accentuation of Masculine Nouns in Northwest Russian Dialects," Tones and Theories: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Accentology, Zagreb: Institut za hrvatski jezyk i jezykoslovlje, 2007.
"Accentuation of Northwest Russian Dialects," Working Papers in Slavic Studies, vol. 3", Columbus: Ohio State University, 2004.
Newsletter article:
"Field Work in Northwest Russia," REEIfication, [Russian and East European Institute Newsletter], Indiana University, Bloomington, 1999.
Selected Papers and Presentations (for a full list see CV):
“Color naming: a diachronic perspective”, Linguistics colloquium, Department of Linguistics, Bloomington, November 20, 2020.
“Color naming in Slavic languages and beyond: a diachronic perspective”, Slavic Linguistic Society, (SLS15), Bloomington, September 3-6, 2020.
“Archaic elements in some Ukrainian dialects,” Taras Shevchenko Conference, Ukrainian Studies in the International and Interdisciplinary Context, Bloomington, March 6-7, 2020.
“Accentual Analysis of Common Slavic Deverbatives: Consonantal Stems,” Slavic Linguistic Society, Toronto, September 23-25, 2016
“New Type of Folk Heroine as a Reflection of Soviet Ideology in the Film Vasilisa the Beautiful,” ASEEES, Boston, MA, November 21-24, 2014
"Solar Calendar and Russian Fairy Tales," American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL), Boston, January 3-6, 2013
“Pagan Origins of Russian Fairy Tales,” Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society (AFS), New Orleans, October 24-27, 2012.
“Accentuation of Masculine Nouns of Susak Speakers in New Jersey,” Slavic Linguistic Society (SLS), Chicago, October 28-30, 2010
“Accentuation of Plural Masculine Nouns in Pskov Dialects,” AATSEEL, Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2006.
“Neutralization of Word-Final Voicing in Russian,” SLS, Bloomington, September 8-10, 2006.